Libri di ricerca // Research books
Solo introduzione e indici, con l'eccezione del mio primo libro Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds, riportato intero in quanto fuori commercio da molti anni. // Only introductions and tables of contents, with the exception of my old book Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds, that you will find in full because out of print since at least twenty years ago.
M. Abate: Holomorphic dynamics on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2022. Introduction. Pdf file, 699 KB
M. Abate: Holomorphic dynamics on hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2022. Table of contents. Pdf file, 699 KB
M. Abate: An introduction to hyperbolic dynamical systems. I.E.P.I. Pisa, 2001. Introduction. Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate: An introduction to hyperbolic dynamical systems. I.E.P.I. Pisa, 2001. Table of contents Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate, G. Patrizio: Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach. LNM 1591, Springer, Berlin, 1994. Introduction. Pdf file, 92 KB.
M. Abate, G. Patrizio: Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach. LNM 1591, Springer, Berlin, 1994. Table of contents. Pdf file, 128 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Mediterranean Press, Cosenza, 1989. Introduction. Pdf file, 235 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Mediterranean Press, Cosenza, 1989. Table of contents. Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.1: Schwarz's lemma and Riemann surfaces. Pdf file, 516 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.2: Boundary Schwarz's lemmas. Pdf file, 404 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.3: Iteration theory. Pdf file, 392 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.4: One-parameter semigroups. Pdf file, 340 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.1: Taut manifolds. Pdf file, 412 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.2: The ball. Pdf file, 496 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.3: Invariant objects. Pdf file, 692 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.4: Again iteration theory. Pdf file, 400 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.5: Common fixed points. Pdf file, 352 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.6: Complex geodesics. Pdf file, 568 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.7: Angular derivatives. Pdf file, 440 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. References. Pdf file, 264 KB.