Configuration spaces are classical objects of geometry and topology, yet they continue to flourish at the crossroads of the classical disciplines and even attract the interest of applied fields.
This conference will focus on recent developments on Configuration Spaces and their impact ranging from representation theory, toric geometry and geometric group theory to applied algebraic topology. Combinatorial techniques will appear as an ubiquitous theme.
This conference is an initiative of Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica and of the Futuro in Ricerca project ``Perspectives in Lie Theory''. It is connected to the upcoming INdAM research period in Pisa in January and February of 2015.

List of speakers:

Alejandro Adem
Eric Babson
Anders Björner
Thomas Brady
Mike Davis
Emanuele Delucchi
Graham Denham
Michael Falk
Michael Farber
Matthias Franz
Dmitry Kozlov
Gus Lehrer
Jon McCammond
Luca Moci
Claudio Procesi
Hal Schenck
Alex Suciu
Michele Vergne
Sergey Yuzvinsky