Let V be an algebraic surface in R^3 containing 0. We investigate the tangent cone C and the Nash space N of the surface. We prove a structure theorem for N analogous to that over the complexes established by Le Dung Trang: there are finitely many ``exceptional rays" in C so that N is the union of N(C) and the set of elements in N containing one of the exceptional rays. We show that there is a sharp dichotomy between exceptional rays in C which are tangent to the singular locus of V and those that aren't. In the former case, the set of elements in N containing the exceptional ray is semialgebraic, but can be disconnected and have discrete elements. In the latter case, we show that any ray along which C is singular must be exceptional (with one exception: if C is locally the union of smooth surfaces tangent along the ray, the ray need not be exceptional), and the set of elements in N containing the exceptional ray cannot contain discrete elements---in fact, it is closed, connected and 1-dimensional, and we can give a lower bound on the size of this set.