University of Pisa, Department of Mathematics, Department of Informatics, Department of Economia


The Department of Mathematics traces its roots to the glorious tradition of the school of mathematics which was formed in Pisa near the time of Italian unity. It was the first Italian school of mathematics and has long remained the true source of mathematical research in Italy. Its birth was favored by the presence of the Scuola Normale Superiore and also by the close scientific contacts which Bernhard Riemann, during his long stays in Pisa (between 1863 and 1865), established with Enrico Betti and Eugenio Beltrami.

The Department of Mathematics has a well-developed system of International Relations. There are more than 20 bilateral Socrates agreements with Universities in different countries in Europe .

The group of researchers at the Department of Mathematics working on mathematical models in Biomedicine involves: Paola Cerrai, Rita Giuliano, Franco Giannessi, Paolo Acquistapace, Giuseppe Buttazzo.

Vladimir Georgiev has an award as a participant of International Mathematical Olympiad 1974, Berlin . In the period 1990 – 1992 he was Humboldt fellowship at University of Bonn. He is full professor in Analysis at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa . He was Socrates co-ordinator of the sector of Mathematics at Pisa University 2001- 2007. In the period 2008 - 2012 he was a Course Director and he participates actively in organization of the work with Master degree students. He was coordinator of the Comenius 2.1 projects “Meeting in Mathematics” 2005-2008 (four partner countries), " Dynamical and creative Mathematics using ICT" 2010-2012 and participated another Comenius 2.1 project “Bringing Math to Earth” 2008-2010 (five partner countries). His main research interests involve study of classical equations of quantum mechanics - Maxwell - Dirac, Schrodinger, as well the asymptotic behavior of dispersive equations and stability of solitary waves. In the field of mathematical models in biomedicine his interests involve REM NREM cycles in sleep models, the study of delay or memory type dissipative phenomena and the existence, uniqueness and stability of steady states for different models in Oncology, Neuroscience. More detailed cv

Rita Giuliano has won a competition for a permanent position (Ricercatore Confermato) in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa. Her main research interests involve asymptotic behaviour of subgaussian processes, asymptotic behaviour of some gaussian random processes as well applications to models of HIV infection. More detailed cv

Paola Cerrai has won a competition for a permanent position (Ricercatore Confermato) in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa. Her main research interests involve qualitative behaviour of ordinary differential equations, models of the dynamics of tumour-immune system. More information on pubblications Publications Paola Cerrai

Giuseppe Buttazzo has won a competition for a Ph. D. position (Perfezionando) in Mathematics at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; research adviser: Prof. E.De Giorgi. He was Santalo lecturer for 2010 at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, winner of Premio Luigi e Wanda Amerio 2011, awarded by the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, winner of Premio Citta di Castri 2012, awarded by the town of Castri di Lecce. He is full professor of Mathematical Analysis at University of Pisa. His main research interests involve: limit problems and asymptotic analysis in the continuum mechanics, macroscopic behaviour of elastic periodic networks, optimization problems. More detailed cv

Paolo Acquistapace has won a competition for a Ph. D. position (Perfezionando) in Mathematics at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; research adviser: Prof. E.De Giorgi. He is associated professor of Mathematical Analysis at University of Pisa. His main research interests involve semigroup theory, stochastic differential equations, boundary control of partial differential problems. More detalied cv

Stefano Galatolo has won National habilitations for the position of full and associate professor. He is coordinator of the University of Pisa as a partner of the Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES - Marie Curie Action "International Research Staff Exchange Scheme" project BREUDS. He has permanent position (Ricercatore Confermato) in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa. His main research interests involve dynamical systems, ergodic properties, invariant measures. More detailed cv




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