
On Moduli of Quiver Representations and Applications to Geometry – Patricio Gallardo (University of California, Riverside)

The moduli of quiver representations, i.e. tuples of line maps arranged per a prescribed directed graph, serve as a key tool within geometry and representation theory. In this talk, we will describe their structure and explore their applications to…

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Why Markman saves the Hodge conjecture for Weil type cycles from Kontsevich (in dimension 4) – Patrick Brosnan (University of Maryland)

I’ll explain two opposing pieces of work:  (1) Markman’s proof of theHodge conjecture for general Weil type abelian fourfolds of discriminant 1, and (2) Kontsevich’s tropical approach to finding a counterexample to the Hodgeconjecture for Weil type…

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