In this talk I will talk about a joint work with Rafael Torres, in which we create an exotic smooth…
Sobolev-Malliavin regularity of the nodal volume – Michele Stecconi (University of Luxembourg)
Consider the nodal volume of a non-degenerate (in a sense to specify) Gaussian random field defined on a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension d greater or equal to 2. We prove that the law of such random variable has an absolutely continuous…
Unraveling the Interplay of Algebraic and Analytic Restrictions in Fine Pattern Formation – Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa (UCLouvain)
Fine patterns, such as oscillations and concentrations of mass, are ubiquitous in nature, from the microstructure of materials to the…
Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds – Dylan Butson (University of Oxford)
We will explain two conjecturally equivalent constructions of vertex algebras associated to divisors $S$ on certain toric Calabi-Yau threefolds $Y$. One construction is algebraic, as the kernel of screening operators on lattice vertex algebras…
A Bayesian approach for modelling RNA velocity – Elena Sabbioni (Politecnico di Torino)
RNA velocity is a biological quantity involved in the interpretation of cellular differentiation, exploiting the evolution of gene expression of…
A cooking class on exotic surfaces in 4-manifolds – Oliviero Malech (SISSA)
Two smoothly embedded surfaces in the same smooth 4-manifold are called exotic if they are C^0 ambient isotopic without being…
The motivic Satake equivalence – Jakob Scholbach (Padova)
The geometric Satake equivalence, due to Mirkovic and Vilonen, establishes an equivalence between certain perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmannian $Gr_G$, for a split reductive group $G$, and representations of the Langlands dual group $\hat G$.…
Log intersection theory – Leo Herr (Leiden)
Log structures are “magic powder” that make mildly singular spaces appear smooth. Log schemes literally lie between ordinary schemes and tropical geometry, and are related to Berkovich Spaces. Problems in Gromov-Witten Theory demand intersection…
Averaging result for differential equations perturbed by a Z-periodic Lorentz gas. – Maxence Phalempin (Università degli studi di Firenze)
In this talk I present some differential equation perturbed by the fast motion of a particle in a cylinder corresponding to the Z-periodic Lorentz gas, a model introduced by H.A Lorentz in 1905. I will discuss there are one of the natural ways to…
Calcolo della traccia di funzioni di matrici mediante stimatori stocastici e probing – Michele Rinelli (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Le funzioni di matrici [1] sono un potente strumento dell’algebra lineare numerica per l’analisi di vari problemi provenienti dalle applicazioni.…