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List of advanced MSc courses offered
Fall/Winter Term
- Analisi armonica (Harmonic analysis) taught by J. Bellazzini
- Analisi Gaussiana (Gaussian analysis) taught by D. Trevisan
- Calcolo delle variazioni B (Calculus of variations B: Regularity theory for minima of variational integrals) taught by A. Pratelli
- Determinazione orbitale (Orbital determination) taught by G. Tommei
- Curve Ellittiche (Elliptic curves) taught by T. Szamuely
- Geometria – Analisi complessa B (Complex analysis) taught by F. Bianchi
- Geometria Riemanniana (Riemannian Geometry) taught by D. Conti
- Gruppi algebrici lineari (Linear algebraic groups) taught by A. Maffei
- Metodi numerici per catene di Markov (Numerical methods for Markov chains) taught by B. Meini
- Metodi numerici per la grafica (Numerical methods for graphics) taught by P. Boito
- Modelli Matematici in Biomedicina e Fisica Matematica (Mathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics) taught by V. Georgiev
Winter/Spring Term
- Algebra superiore A (Commutative algebra) taught by E. Sbarra
- Geometria algebrica F (Toric varieties) taught by M. Talpo
- Geometria differenziale complessa (Complex differential geometry) taught by G. Pearlstein
- Topologia algebrica B (Algebraic topology B: Algebraic and combinatorial topology, with application to Hyperplane Arrangements and related spaces) taught by M. Salvetti
- Teoria dei Nodi A (Knot theory A: Invariants of knots and links, theory of braids) taught by P. Lisca
- Equazioni della Fluidodinamica (Equations of fluid mechanics) taught by L. C. Berselli
- Equazioni ellittiche (Elliptic partial differential equations) by B. Velichkov
- Analisi dei dati (Data analysis) taught by M. Romito and A. Papagiannouli
- Meccanica Celeste (Celestial mechanics: Singularities and periodic orbits in the N-body problem) taught by L. Gronchi
- Fisica Matematica (Mathematical Physics: Insights in the Theory of Dynamical Systems and in the Hamiltonian) taught by C. Bonanno
- Meccanica Superiore (Advanced mechanics: Measure of chaos and ergodic methods in mechanics) taught by P. Giulietti
- Meccanica Spaziale (Space mechanics: Motion of artificial satellites and space probes, interplanetary space missions) taught by G. Baù
- Metodi numerici per equazioni alle derivate parziali (Numerical methods for partial differential equations) taught by L. Heltai
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