
The Ph.D. Programme offers high qualification training and research opportunities in all the research areas studied by the Department, which include Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Physics, and Numerical Analysis. Further information on each can be found in the Research section.

You can consult the academic rules and regulations of the Ph.D. Programme in the section below.

Academic rules and regulations of the Ph.D. Programme

Ph.D. Programme Departmental Regulations (Italian | English)

Ph.D. Programme University Regulations (in Italian only)

Furthermore, the presence of Ph.D. representatives on the Board of the Ph.D. Programme and the Department Council is regulated by the University Statute (see in particular article 25, paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 – in Italian only) and the General Regulations of the University of Pisa (see in particular from article 73 to 81 – in Italian only).

The Programme lasts 3 years and combines study and research. During the Programme, students are required to complete 6 courses (more details on this can be found below). Within the first year of enrolment, together with the Board of the Ph.D. school, students choose a research project to be carried out under the supervision of one or more members of the Department of Mathematics. The Coordinator, taken the Board’s advice, will assign a supervisor and a co-supervisor to each student before the end of their first year.

The main objective of the Ph.D. study is the definition and development of a scientific research line in mathematics, aimed at the achievement of original results, which are then argued in the Ph.D. thesis. All students are encouraged to spend a period of study and research abroad during their 3 years in the Programme, for up to a maximum of 12 months.

Admitted students will enjoy the vibrant scientific and academic life of the department. They will be given complete access to the departmental facilities (library, computers, etc.) and a personal desk in a shared office. They will also have access to an internal Wiki platform for Ph.D. students, which currently includes a section that contains all pertinent information for incoming students, as well as a section dedicated to assisting those who are nearing the completion of their Ph.D. programme in their search for postdoctoral positions.

The Ph.D. School every year organizes “Math PhD Days”, a series of events designed to inform and inspire master’s students considering a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Past events with further material and resources can be found on the event page.


Each admitted student is given a scholarship, which includes a salary for 3 years. The monthly net salary funded by the University is currently around €1.129,27. The salary can be increased by up to 50% for a maximum of 12 months of research abroad. Furthermore, each year a research grant is given to each fellow, amounting to at least 10% of the scholarship.

More info can be found at the following link.


The number of students admitted to the Programme varies every year, and it is usually between 4 and 6.

Eligible candidates must hold a Master’s Degree, or be forecasted to obtain one within a given deadline, typically before the beginning of the academic year.

The application period may vary from year to year and is usually in the summer, lasting for about 30 days. Interested students should keep an eye on the Admission page of the Doctoral Schools of the University of Pisa. Applications must be submitted through a centralized online procedure.

The admission procedure consists of two main steps. In the first step a designated examining Commission selects candidates, supported by reference letters, based on their academic qualifications and research potential. Those who pass the first step are then interviewed. The interview will focus on the research interest of the candidates, the projects pursued during their academic careers (e.g. master’s degree theses) and the topics therein. Winning applicants must enrol following the deadlines and procedures communicated together with the final ranking.

Further information can be found here (in English), here and here (both in Italian).

Compulsory Courses

During the Programme, Ph.D. students are required to attend 6 courses (at least 2 during the first year) and pass the exam of 2 of them, of which at least 1 during the first year and both before 31st January of the third year. The courses can be chosen from the ones offered by the Ph.D. programme (click here for the course offer of the current academic year and here for previous years’), or by other qualified institutions, after agreement with the coordinator of the Programme.

Final Examination

At the end of the 3 years, students must write and defend a Ph.D. thesis. The thesis will be evaluated by two external referees, who may suggest revisions. After revision, the thesis will be defended in front of an examination committee appointed by the board of the Ph.D. Programme. Typically, the defence takes place within between 3 to 6 months from the end of the third year. Ph.D. theses shall be written in English or Italian, or in another language subject to the Board’s approval.

Cotutelle Programmes

The current incoming and outgoing joint agreements (“cotutelles”) are listed below.


Viola Giovannini from the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Kenta Tomioka from Waseda University (Japan)

Kusaba Ryunosuke from Waseda University (Japan)

Alexis Jodon de Villeroche from Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France)


Daniele Barbera with Waseda University (Japan)

Mario Rastelli with Waseda University (Japan)

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