Bachelor’s Degree Course Graduation Procedures

This page contains information on the deadlines and obligations in order to obtain the Bachelor’s degree; please see also the instructions on the University website (link to page in Italian). The method of determining the final graduation grade is detailed in the specific section of the Bachelor’s Degree Course Handbooks.

Notice 1: please remember that during the 15 days preceding your graduation session no exam can be registered, including exams from your upcoming Master’s degree (they will be cancelled). In addition, please note that for those graduating during the July session even the few days between your graduation date and the enrolment to the Master’s Degree are not valid for the purpose of registering exams.

Notice 2: “Academic Services Office” refers to the office of the Department of Mathematics; “Student Administration Office” refers to the central office of the University, located in building D in Largo Pontecorvo 5.

At least 30 days before the graduation session

  • Online, to the Student Administration Office: submit the request through the Alice portal. Download the last approved study plan from the CAPS portal and send it to
  • Online, to the Academic Services Office: submit the request through the CAPS interface. Login with your academic credentials, choose “Moduli” on the left menu and select “Laurea Triennale: domanda di esame finale”. You will be asked to insert some information and to attach two documents: the thesis abstract and the copy of the receipt of the evaluation questionnaire.

At least 15 days before the graduation session

At least 3 days before the graduation session

  • email the President of the Commission a PDF copy of your thesis (you will receive detailed instructions concerning this).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: in the event of renunciation of the graduation session in which one has been registered, it is important to cancel immediately the application request through the Alice portal, and to notify both offices by emailing and

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