Evaluation test

To enrol in the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Mathematics (Academic Year 2022/23) there is not an entrance exam, however an evaluation test of the initial knowledge is required. The difference between the two is significant: the entrance exam is used to select students to Courses with limited enrolment, while the evaluation test helps incoming students to assess their initial level of knowledge. The evaluation test for students wishing to enrol is organized by Con.Scienze and made by the CISIA consortium. In particular, candidates are required to answer 60 questions chosen among the TOLC-S version or the TOLC@HOME (type TOLC-S):
  • 20 questions on Matematica di base (Basic Maths);
  • 10 questions on Ragionamento e Problemi (Reasoning and Problems);
  • 30 questions on Inglese (English).
The test is passed if the candidate obtains:
  • at least 15 points in the modules Matematica di Base and Ragionamento e Problemi combined;
  • at least 15 points in the module Inglese.
The Course handbook specifies that students must take the test either before the beginning of lectures or within three months after it. It is possible to see an example test on the CISIA webpage. To get an idea of the basic mathematical topics that are useful to know in order to pass the evaluation test and, in general, to enrol for the Degree Courses in Mathematics, you can check the following web page (link to page in Italian): it contains videos and slides of several preparatory courses held some time ago (but still relevant!) by Prof. Massimo Gobbino. Students who do not take or pass the test can still enrol in the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Mathematics, but they will have an Additional Learning Obligation (Obbligo Formativo Aggiuntivo, OFA). The obligation is considered fulfilled according to the rules found on the dedicated page. Because of the above, it is very important for a student wishing to enrol to take the evaluation test. In particular, an analysis based on data from past academic years reveals that it is highly probable students will encounter serious difficulties during their first months if their score in Matematica di Base and Ragionamento e Problemi combined is a little lower than 15. Additional info, in particular regarding when and where to take the test and the procedures to enrol, can be found on the CISIA webpage or by contacting the Academic Services Office of the Department of Mathematics.
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