The ModAffInt group contains supplementary courses. Each course in this group yields 6 CFU/ECTS, except the ones marked with (*) which yield 9 CFU/ECTS. The courses are:
- Advanced mechanics
- Advanced numerical linear algebra
- Advanced probability
- Advanced statistics
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Algebraic geometry A
- Algebraic geometry B
- Algebraic geometry C
- Algebraic geometry D
- Algebraic geometry E
- Algebraic geometry F
- Algebraic geometry G
- Algebraic number theory 1
- Algebraic number theory 2
- Algebraic number theory 3
- Algebraic topology A
- Algebraic topology B
- Algorithms and data structures
- Analysis in metric spaces
- Analytic number theory A
- Analytic number theory B
- Applications of differential equations in biomedicine
- Applications of fluid dynamics in biomedicine
- Approximation methods
- Automated control theory
- Calculus of variations A
- Calculus of variations B
- Category theory
- Celestial mechanics
- Coding theory
- Coding theory and cryptography
- Combinatorial optimization
- Complements of mathematics education
- Complex analysis A
- Complex analysis B
- Complex differential geometry
- Computability theory
- Computational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
- Computational real geometry
- Computer algebra
- Computer algebra A
- Computer algebra B
- Contact geometry
- Continuous mechanics
- Convex analysis
- Coxeter groups
- Cyclotomic fields
- Data analysis
- Descriptive complexity theory
- Didactics of mathematics and new technologies
- Differential geometry and topology
- Differential operators and index theorems
- Differential topology
- Discrete dynamical systems
- Discrete mathematics
- Dynamical systems
- Dynamics of the solar system
- Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic
- Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry
- Elementary number theory
- Elements of algebraic geometry
- Elements of algebraic topology
- Elements of calculus in homogeneous groups
- Elements of calculus of variations
- Elements of celestial mechanics
- Elements of complex analysis
- Elements of mathematical logic
- Elements of probability and statistics
- Elements of set theory
- Elliptic curves
- Elliptic equations
- Equations of fluid mechanics
- Ergodic theory
- Étale cohomology
- Evolution problems
- Fields and Galois theory
- Financial mathematics
- Foundations of mathematics
- Functional analysis
- Functional spaces
- Game theory
- General topology
- Geometric analysis
- Geometric measure theory
- Geometry and topology of surfaces
- Geometry of metric spaces
- Group theory
- Groups and representations
- Harmonic analysis
- Higher algebra A
- Higher algebra B
- Higher analysis
- History of ancient mathematics and its tradition
- History of mathematics
- Holomorphic dynamics
- Homological algebra
- Hyperbolic dynamics
- Hyperbolic equations
- Hyperbolic geometry
- Introduction to geometric measure theory
- Introduction to p-adic analysis
- Introduction to quantum mechanics
- Knot theory A
- Knot theory B
- Lie algebras and Lie groups
- Linear algebraic groups
- Linear and multilinear algebra
- Linear and nonlinear waves
- Low-dimensional topology and geometry
- Math physics
- Mathematical analysis 3
- Mathematical logic
- Mathematical methods in cryptography
- Mathematical models in biomedicine and mathematical physics
- Mathematical statistics
- Mathematics and music
- Mathematics and society
- Mathematics for teaching middle school A
- Mathematics for teaching middle school B
- Measure theory
- Microlocal analysis
- Minimal surfaces
- Model theory
- Modular forms
- Noncommutative algebra
- Nonlinear analysis
- Nonlinear capacity, variational inequalities and applications
- Non-standard analysis
- Numerical methods for Fourier analysis
- Numerical methods for graphics
- Numerical methods for Markov chains
- Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
- Operational research
- Operational research and communication and transport nets
- Optimal control theory
- Orbital determination
- Ordinary differential equations
- Origins and development of modern mathematics
- p-adic Galois representations
- Parabolic equations
- Partial differential equations
- Partial differential equations 2
- Physics complements
- Physics II (*)
- Physics III
- Physics lab for teaching
- Post-quantum cryptography
- Probability
- Problem solving
- Problems and methods in history of mathematics
- Problems and methods in mathematics education research
- Proof theory
- Rational mechanics
- Real analysis
- Real geometry A
- Real geometry B
- Real geometry C
- Relativistic mechanics
- Riemannian geometry
- Scientific computing
- Semigroup theory
- Set theory A
- Set theory B
- Simplectic geometry
- Space mechanics
- Special functions
- Stochastic differential equations and applications
- Stochastic processes
- Symmetric spaces
- Technologies for education
- Theory and methods of optimization
- Theory of functions
- Topological methods for differential equations
- Topological methods in the global analysis
- Ultrafilters and nonstandard methods
- 2-manifolds
- 3-manifolds
- 4-manifolds
Please refer to the Master’s Course Regulations to get more information on single courses.