
Automorphisms of C^2 with an invariant Fatou component biholomorphic to C x C^*. – Jasmin Raissy (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)

I will present the construction of a family of automorphisms of C^2having an invariant, non-recurrent Fatou component biholomorphic to C xC* and which is attracting, in the sense that all the orbits converge to a fixed point on the boundary of the…

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Non-tangential convergence (and applications to holomorphic dynamics) – Filippo Bracci (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

The notion of non-tangential convergence is one of the basic concept of complex geoemtry in one and several variables. It is known that univalent maps from the disc into the complex plane admit non-tangential limit almost everywhere on the boundary…

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A randomized version of the Littlewood Conjecture – Part II: discussion – Henna Koivusalo (University of Vienna)

The Littlewood Conjecture in Diophantine approximation can be thought of as a problem about covering the plane by a union of hyperbolas centered at rational points. In this paper we consider the problem of translating the center of each hyperbola by…

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