
Cutoff thermalization for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck systems with small Lévy noise in the Wasserstein distance – Michael Högele (Universidad de los Andes)

This talk presents recent results on cutoff thermalization (also known as the cutoff phenomenon) for a general class of asymptotically exponentially stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck systems under ε-small additive Lévy noise. The driving noise processes…

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(Fractional) random Schrödinger operators, integrated density of states and localization – Constanza Rojas-Molina (CY Cergy Paris Université)

In this talk we will review some recent results on random Schrödinger operators, which are used to model electronic transport in disordered quantum systems and to study the phenomenon of Anderson localization. After a short introduction to the…

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Eigenvalue asymptotics and eigenvector localization for non-Hermitian noisy Toeplitz matrices – Martin Vogel (Université de Strasbourg)

A most notable characteristic of non-Hermitian matrices is that their spectra can be intrinsically sensitive to tiny perturbation. Although this spectral instability causes the numerical analysis of their spectra to be extremely unreliable, it has…

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Localization of the continuous Anderson hamiltonian in 1-d and its transition towards delocalization – Laure Dumaz (École Normale supérieure)

We consider the continuous Schrödinger operator – d^2/d^x^2 + B’(x) on the interval [0,L] where the potential B’ is a white noise. We study the entire spectrum of this operator in the large L limit. We prove the joint convergence of the eigenvalues…

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Entropy production in nondegenerate diffusions: the large-time and small-noise limits – Renaud Raquépas (McGill University Montréal and Université Grenoble Alpes)

Entropy production (EP) is a key quantity originating from thermodynamics and statistical physics which quantifies the irreversibility of the time evolution of physical systems. I will start with a general introduction to the different approaches to…

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