Further information is available on the event page on the Indico platform.…
TBA – Marco De Renzi (Institut Montpelliéran Alexander Grothendieck)
TBA – Giovanni Sartori (Heriot-Watt University)
Corners and stability – Amador Martin-Pizarro (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
Given an abelian group $G$, a corner is a a subset of pairs of the form $(x,y),(x+g,y),(x,y+g)$ with $g$ non trivial. Ajtai and Szemerédi proved that, asymptotically for finite abelian groups, every dense subset $S$ of $G×G$ contains an corner.…
TBA – Gemma Di Petrillo (Università di Trento)
Model completeness of finitely ramified henselian valued fields with various value groups – Anna De Mase (Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
A result obtained by A. Macintyre and J. Derakhshan states that the theory of a mixed characteristic henselian valued field with finite ramification, perfect residue field and whose value group is a Z-group, is model complete in the language of…
TBA – Younghan Bae (ETH Zürich)
TBA – Ismael Morales (University of Oxford)
TBA – James Farre (Universität Heidelberg)
Gruppi con topologia di Zariski cofinita – Dikran Dikranjan (Università di Udine)
La topologia di Zariski ${\mathfrak Z}_G$ di un gruppo $G$, fu introdotta esplictamente da R. Bryant [2] sotto il nome verbal topology, ma implicitamente suggerita da Markov [6]. I sottoinsiemi di $G$ della forma $\{x\in G: g_1 x^{\varepsilon_1} g_2…