
A partial Gamma-convergence result for a family of functionals depending on curvatures – Luca Lussardi (Università Cattolica, Brescia)

Biomembranes are remarkable structures with both fluid-like and solid-like properties: the main constituents are amphiphilic lipids, which have a head part that attracts water and a tail part that repels it. Because of these properties, such lipids…

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Optimization & Numerical Analysis seminars. Minimization algorithms for compressive sensing. – Andrea Masciotta – Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Pisa (Il Seminario si svolgerà nella Sala Seminari Ovest, Dipartimento Informatica.)

Compressive sensing is a new approach to digital signals acquisition and processing. Its main aim is the reconstruction of sparse signals or images (i.e. with few significant coefficients) from what was previously believed to be incomplete…

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Mean field limit of interacting filaments and vector valued non linear PDEs – Michele Coghi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)

Families of N interacting curves are considered, with long range, mean-field type, interaction. A family of curves defines a 1-current, concentrated on the curves, analog of the empirical measure of interacting point particles. This current is…

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