The workshop “Theory, models and simulations in Celestial Mechanics”, organized within the project MIUR-PRIN 20178CJA2B titled “New frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: theory and applications”, will take place both in person at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa (Italy), and virtually during the period 14-16 June 2022.
The topics covered by the workshop are:
- Constructive KAM & Nekhoroshev theories,
- Long-term dynamics of gravitationally interacting bodies,
- Regularization theory for N-body problems,
- Orbit determination with linkage methods and patched dynamics,
- Stability theories for non-purely-Hamiltonian mechanical models,
- Space debris dynamics,
- Extra-solar planetary dynamics,
- Low-energy orbits in Astrodynamics,
- Preliminary orbits of asteroids and space debris,
- Dynamics of close encounters with the Earth and of passages in the shadow of the Earth,
- Geodynamics, tides, and their tiny effects on the orbits.
The following speakers will give an invited talk:
- Vivina Barutello (Università degli Studi di Torino)
- Alessandra Celletti (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
- Philippe Robutel (Observatoire de Paris, IMCCE)
- Shane Ross (Virginia Tech)
Scientific committee:
- Giulio Baù
- Giovanni F. Gronchi
- Massimiliano Guzzo
- Ugo Locatelli
- Tiziano Penati
- Gabriella Pinzari
- Federica Spoto
Organizing committee:
- Giulio Baù
- Irene Cavallari
- Clara Grassi
- Giovanni F. Gronchi
- Óscar Rodríguez del Río
Further information is available on the event page.