
Workshop “Theory, models and simulations in Celestial Mechanics”

The workshop “Theory, models and simulations in Celestial Mechanics”, organized within the project MIUR-PRIN 20178CJA2B titled “New frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: theory and applications”, will take place both in person at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa (Italy), and virtually during the period 14-16 June 2022.

The topics covered by the workshop are:

  1. Constructive KAM & Nekhoroshev theories,
  2. Long-term dynamics of gravitationally interacting bodies,
  3. Regularization theory for N-body problems,
  4. Orbit determination with linkage methods and patched dynamics,
  5. Stability theories for non-purely-Hamiltonian mechanical models,
  6. Space debris dynamics,
  7. Extra-solar planetary dynamics,
  8. Low-energy orbits in Astrodynamics,
  9. Preliminary orbits of asteroids and space debris,
  10. Dynamics of close encounters with the Earth and of passages in the shadow of the Earth,
  11. Geodynamics, tides, and their tiny effects on the orbits.

The following speakers will give an invited talk:

  • Vivina Barutello (Università degli Studi di Torino)
  • Alessandra Celletti (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
  • Philippe Robutel (Observatoire de Paris, IMCCE)
  • Shane Ross (Virginia Tech)
Scientific committee:
  • Giulio Baù
  • Giovanni F. Gronchi
  • Massimiliano Guzzo
  • Ugo Locatelli
  • Tiziano Penati
  • Gabriella Pinzari
  • Federica Spoto
Organizing committee:
  • Giulio Baù
  • Irene Cavallari
  • Clara Grassi
  • Giovanni F. Gronchi
  • Óscar Rodríguez del Río

Further information is available on the event page.

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