
Why Markman saves the Hodge conjecture for Weil type cycles from Kontsevich (in dimension 4) – Patrick Brosnan (University of Maryland)

I’ll explain two opposing pieces of work:  (1) Markman’s proof of theHodge conjecture for general Weil type abelian fourfolds of discriminant 1, and (2) Kontsevich’s tropical approach to finding a counterexample to the Hodgeconjecture for Weil type…

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Moduli of Higgs bundles and Hecke operators on surfaces – Olivier Schiffmann (CNRS and Université de Paris-Saclay)

We will introduce and describe an algebra $H(S)$ acting on the cohomology of various moduli spaces of sheaves on a smooth complex surface $S$. We will provide some application to a generalization of Markman’s theorem in the semistable (as opposed to…

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Categorified Beauville-Laszlo theorem (and related problems) – Mauro Porta (Université de Strasbourg)

Sheaves of Azumaya algebras were introduced by Grothendieck to represent classes in the cohomological Brauer group of schemes, i.e. $Br(X) := H^2_{ét}(X;G_m)$, along the same lines every class in $H^1_{ét}(X;G_m)$ is representable by a line bundle…

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Degenerations of Hilbert schemes and relative VGIT – Lars Halvard Halle (Università di Bologna)

Let G be a reductive group acting on a projective variety X.  In Mumford’s Geometric Invariant Theory (GIT),  the formation of a quotient in this situation depends on the choice of a G-linearized ample line bundle on X. In “Variation of GIT” (VGIT),…

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