
Algebraic classes in mixed characteristic and André’s p-adic periods – Giuseppe Ancona (Université de Strasbourg)

(Joint work with D. Fratila) Motivated by the study of algebraic classes in mixed characteristic, we define a countable subalgebra of ${\Bbb Q}_p$ which we call the algebra of “Andre’s p-adic periods”. We will explain the analogy and the difference…

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A family of threefolds with remarkable properties (namely: the unreasonable effectiveness of the Schoens) – Antonella Grassi (Università degli Studi di Bologna)

The fiber product of certain rational elliptic surfaces were first studied by Schoen in the 80s to answer questions from string theory. Over the decades  the  “Schoens”  have provided evidence for various conjectures as well as counterexamples to…

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Arithmetic of homogeneous spaces over global fields of characteristic p – David Harari (Université de Paris-Saclay)

Let $K$ be the function field of a curve over a finite field. Let $X$ be a homogeneous space of a reductive group over $K$. We discuss cohomological obstructions to the local-global principle on $X$. Similar results for weak and strong approximation…

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Hilbert-Kunz density function and its applications to some Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity conjectures – Vijaylaxmi Trivedi (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)

In this talk we introduce a compactly supported and real valued continuous function called Hilbert-Kunz (HK) density function. We briefly describe its properties and its applications to study characteristic p-invariants like HK multiplicity and F…

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