
On finite presentation for the tame fundamental group – Vasudevan Srinivas (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)

This is a report on joint work with H. Esnault and M. Schusterman.Recall that the étale fundamental group of a variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 is known to be a finitely presented profinite group; this is proved by…

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Mirror symmetry for generalized Kummer varieties – Justin Sawon (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)

The generalized Kummer variety $K_n$ of an abelian surface $A$ is the fibre of the natural map $\mathsf{Hilb}^{n+1}A\to \mathsf{Sym}^{n+1}A\to A$. Debarre described a Lagrangian fibration on $K_n$ whose fibres are the kernels of $\mathsf{Jac}C\to…

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Geometry of vertex operator algebras on moduli of curves – Nicola Tarasca (Virginia Commonwealth University)

The physically-inspired theory of conformal blocks allows one to construct vector bundles on moduli spaces of curves with remarkable geometric and combinatorial properties. This theory uses as input the representations of some non-commutative…

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Boundary divisors in the stable pair compactification of the moduli space of Horikawa surfaces – Luca Schaffler (Roma 3)

Smooth minimal surfaces of general type with $K^2=1$, $p_g=2$, and $q=0$ constitute a fundamental example in the geography of algebraic surfaces, and the 28-dimensional moduli space $M$ of their canonical models admits a geometric and modular…

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Variation of stable birational type and bounds for complete intersections – Johannes Nicaise (KU Leuven and Imperial College London)

This talk is based on joint work with John Christian Ottem. I will explain a generalization of results by Shinder on variation of stable birational types in degenerating families, and how this can be used to extend Schreieder’s non-stable…

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