
Chaos maps and study of the Geminids meteor shower – Ariane Courtot (Observatoire de Paris)

Meteor showers originate from a parent body, an asteroid or a comet. This parent body ejects several meteroids, forming a meteoroid stream, which will then meet the Earth. From Earth, several meteors can then be observed. To prove they form a shower, we then need to prove whether they come from the same source.…

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Non-homogeneous persistent random walks and averaged environment for the Lévy-Lorentz gas – Giampaolo Cristadoro (Università di Milano-Bicocca)

I will first introduce a model known in the physical literature as the Lévy-Lorentz gas. The model describes the continuous-time motion of a particle on the real line in the presence of a random array of marked points, whose nearest-neighbor…

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Asteroid families identification: history and state of the art – Dr. Zoran Knezevic (Astronomic Observatory of Belgrade)

The history of asteroid families, from their discovery back in 1918, until the present time, is briefly reviewed. Two threads have been followed: on the development of the theories of asteroid motion and the computation of proper elements, and on…

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