
Partial and global representations of finite groups – Michele D’Adderio (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

​The notions of partial actions and partial representations have been extensively studied in several algebraic contexts in the last 25 years. In this talk, we introduce these concepts and give a short overview of the results known for finite groups.…

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Ricci curvature, graphs and Coxeter groups – Viola Siconolfi (Università di Pisa, Italy)

​I will talk about a notion of curvature for graphs introduced by Schmuckenschläger which is defined as an analogue of Ricci curvature. This quantity can be computed explicitly for various graphs and allows to find bounds on the spectral gap of the…

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Levi restriction for Coulomb branch algebras and categorical $\mathfrak{g}$-actions for truncated shifted Yangians – Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto, Canada)

​Given a representation $V$ of a reductive group $G$, Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima defined a Poisson variety called the Coulomb branch, using a convolution algebra construction.  This variety comes with a natural deformation quantization, called a…

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Moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces: Models, Homology Operations, and Computations – Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer (University of Bonn)

Il seminario sarà diviso in due parti, di 45 minuti ciascuna. La prima parte, di carattere introduttivo, sarà adatto anche ad un pubblico di non esperti (studenti di magistrale e dottorandi). L’abstract è scaricabile a questo link.…

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La teoria di Hodge dell’algebra di Hecke e in teoria delle rappresentazioni – Leonardo Patimo (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)

Le congetture di Kazhdan-Lusztig forniscono una formula esplicita per calcolare il carattere delle rappresentazioni con peso più alto di un’algebra di Lie semisemplice complessa. La dimostrazione originale di queste congetture si basa su risultati…

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