
Vertex labeling properties on simplicial complexes – Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)

Hamiltonian graphs are graphs where one can find a closed walk that touches all vertices exactly once. Equivalently, they are the graphs whose vertices can be labeled from 1 to n so that all of  12, 23, 34, …, n1  feature among the edges. This…

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Stochastic probing methods for estimating the trace of functions of sparse symmetric matrices – Michele Rinelli (Scuola Normale Superiore)

We consider the combination of two approaches for the trace estimation of a symmetric matrix function f(A) when the only feasible operations are matrix-vector products and quadratic forms with f(A): stochastic estimators, such as the Hutchinson…

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Decrypting the Language of Climate Change through Natural Language Processing machine learning Techniques – Davide Faranda (CNRS Researcher in Climate Sciences)

In this lecture, I will be presenting exciting ways in which machine learning methods from Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be applied to the important issue of climate change. I will discuss the various techniques and algorithms used in NLP to…

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