Families of N interacting curves are considered, with long range, mean-field type, interaction. A family of curves defines a 1-current, concentrated on the curves, analog of the empirical measure of interacting point particles. This current is…
O-minimal Hauptvermutung and manifolds, II – Masahiro Shiota
Venue Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica). Abstract…
Ground states and Excitation Spectrum of Bosonic Quantum Many-Body Systems – Robert Seiringer
Many questions concerning models in quantum mechanics require a detailed analysis of the spectrum of the corresponding Hamiltonian, a linear operator on a suitable Hilbert space. Of particular relevance for an understanding of the low-temperature…
O-minimal Hauptvermutung and manifolds, I – Masahiro Shiota
Venue Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica). Abstract…
In this talk I will outline some of the basics of nonstandard analysis and discuss how nonstandard methods can be applied to obtain new results in combinatorial number theory. We will look at a recent result obtained jointly with Di Nasso,…
On the set of conformal scalar-flat metrics on manifolds with boundary – Sergio Almaraz (UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. In this talk I will be interested in the set of scalar-flat metrics on M which are in the conformal class of g and have the boundary as a constant mean curvature hypersurface. I will mainly…
Concordanze di nodi in 3-varieta – Daniele Celoria (Università di Firenze)
Sfruttando un’azione del gruppo di concordanze in S^3, definiamo la nozione di concordanza debole di nodi in 3-varieta’. Spiegheremo poi come distinguere classi di concordanza debole nel casodegli spazi lenticolari…
A particle system approach to cell-cell adhesion models – M. Neklyudov & D. Trevisan (Università di Pisa)
We investigate micro-to-macroscopic derivations in two models of living cells, in presence to cell-cell adhesive interactions. We rigorously address two PDE-based models, one featuring non-local terms and another purely local, as a a result of a law…
Modelli matematici per l’angiogenesi tumorale – Vincenzo Capasso (ADAMSS (Advanced Applied Mathematical and Statistical Sciences), Università di Milano)
Sommario. Nella modellazione matematica della angiogenesi tumorale, il forte accoppiamento tra i processi stocastici di diramazione-elongazione-morte di vasi, e i campi biochimici dovuti alla massa tumorale, è causa di forte complessità dal punto di…
A direct approach to Plateau’s problem. – Francesco Ghiraldin
I will present a direct approach to solve the the Plateau problem. The problem is formulated as the minimization of the Hausdorff measure among a family of d-rectifiable closed subsets of $R^n$: the existence result is obtained by a compactness…