Let f and g be permutable transcendental entire functions. It is a long standing question whether the Julia sets of f and g are equal. The conjecture is true in the case that f,g are rational functions, and in the transcendental case the main issues…
Pluripotential theory and C^n capacities – Karim Rakhimov (National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
In this talk, after a short history of Pluripotential theory and $C^n$ capacities, I shall describe our results on capacity dimension of Brjuno and Perez-Marco set, giving a sketch of the proof of the fact that the complement of Brjuno set has zero…
Diffeological controlled pseudomanifolds – Serap Gürer (Istanbul University)
In this talk we show that diffeological De Rham cohomology of a controlled pseudo manifold equipped with quotient diffeology is isomorphic to the singular cohomology with real coefficients of controlled pseudo manifold Moreover, we shall show that…
Perturbations of countable Markov maps – Sara Munday (Università di Bologna)
We investigate how the dynamics of a countable Markov map change when the map is perturbed by analysing the topological conjugacy maps between the original and perturbed system. These conjugacies are strictly increasing singular maps (i.e., with…
Asteroid families identification: history and state of the art – Dr. Zoran Knezevic (Astronomic Observatory of Belgrade)
The history of asteroid families, from their discovery back in 1918, until the present time, is briefly reviewed. Two threads have been followed: on the development of the theories of asteroid motion and the computation of proper elements, and on…
Basi di Groebner e anelli determinantali – Emanuela De Negri (Università di Genova)
Lo studio degli anelli determinantali è un argomento classico in algebra commutativa, ed ha forti motivazioni geometriche. Un nuovo strumento che ha permesso di ottenere interessanti risultati in questo ambito è la teoria delle basi di Groebner. Sia…
Martingale Optimal Transport (minicorso, parte IV) – Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
We provide an introduction to martingale optimal transport. In the context of the one-period version of the problem, we establish the Kantorovitch duality, we discuss the existence for the primal and the dual problems, and we provide the martingale…
Martingale Optimal Transport (minicorso, parte III) – Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
We provide an introduction to martingale optimal transport. In the context of the one-period version of the problem, we establish the Kantorovitch duality, we discuss the existence for the primal and the dual problems, and we provide the martingale…
Homological properties of ideals associated to graphs – Hop Nguyen (Università di Genova)
(This comes from a joint work with Thanh Vu.) Fix a field k. For any finite simple graph G with vertex set {x_1,…,x_n}, there is a so-called edge ideal associated to G, denoted by I(G), defined as follows: I(G) lives in the polynomial ring…
Martingale Optimal Transport (minicorso, parte II) – Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
We provide an introduction to martingale optimal transport. In the context of the one-period version of the problem, we establish the Kantorovitch duality, we discuss the existence for the primal and the dual problems, and we provide the martingale…